Trail Information
Trail Name: Bluffs Regional Park Trail
Location: Lone Tree, Colorado
Date: July 22, 2019
Time at the Trail Head: 7:00pm
Trail Length: 7.5 miles (easily shortened to 3 or 4 miles)
Elevation Gain: 639 feet
Elev. at Trail Head: 6,089 feet
# of Hikers Passed: 30
# of Mnt. Bikers Passed: 19
# of Horses Passed: 0
Mosquitoes: 0
The Drive
There’s not a lot to say about the drive. The Bluffs Regional Park Trail is in Lone Tree, which is on the south side of Denver between Englewood, Highland Ranch, Parker and Castle Pines. If you are in Denver, it is a drive within the city and other than seeing the beautiful Rocky Mountains in the West, the drive would not be spectacular, in my opinion.
Now, let’s hit the trail.
Trail Map
The trail description says that it is 7.5 miles long but that’s only if you take the entire trail from Cabelas and make the loop around the park. It’s not really a park, but a large open space with wide, well maintained trails. You can see in the image below, if you look carefully, that there are other trails you can take and shorten up the hike/walk.
I have to admit that this is more of a walk then a hike. There are some narrow, single track type trails, but most of the trail is 10 wide at least and is well graded and graveled. I always wear my running shoes and take one bottle of water and that’s all I ever need. This is not a hike/walk where you need a pack. However, the trail does connect to other trails and you could make it an all day adventure if you truly wanted to.
I have added one more map with two trailhead locations. The one near Cabelas is a more narrow trail and has a steeper ascent to the top of the Bluff. The other one, closer to the Loop, has a wider, more well maintained trail with a more gradual ascent to the Bluff.
There are several trailheads for the Bluffs Regional Park Trail but I always choose to park near Cabelas.
I park on the street just south of the Springhill Suites by Marriott. You can see in the photo here, looking north, Springhill Suites and the Sierra Restaurant farther in the background.
To the south you can see the new street that has gone in, with some parking on the side. This is the location where some people park. It’s a gradual ascent up around 600 feet in elevation. After that, it’s a pretty flat walk.
My Day on the Trail
As I said earlier, the trail is an easy walk, not really a hike once you reach the top. There are some pretty views of ranch land and eventually you will see some gorgeous views of the Rockies. Here are several pictures below along the hike.
At this point you’re probably asking why I’m not writing much, but in some cases, I need to let the pictures do the talking for me.
In the next few pictures, you will see where I hiked out on the Bluffs Regional Park Trail (Loop). There is a ridge line that sticks out to the west, towards the Rockies, and there is a lone park bench where you can sit and enjoy some incredible views. I especially love watching the sun set over the Rockies from here.
How’s this for some grand views right in Denver?
One of the last places I want to show you is what my family calls the compass.
It is a concrete circle in the ground that points to all the mountain peaks along the Rockies. It points to Pikes Peak to the south near Colorado Springs, Mount Evans directly to the west of Denver and Longs Peak to the northwest in the Rocky Mountain National Park. There is more information than that but those are the big 14ers that stick out in the mountains. See the Image to the right for the other peaks and wilderness areas.
It’s a great place to relax and hangout, and learn something more about the mountain range.
Have I mentioned how there are some great views from the Bluffs yet?
I almost forgot to tell you of my new family that likes to hang out in the Bluffs. Take a look and enjoy.
Lastly, this is a great and quick way to get up higher, near the city but away from the hustle and bustle of the city life and enjoy some pretty views of the city. I recommend going up to the Bluffs about 1 hour before sunset so you can enjoy the views during the day and then watch the night light up with the lights of Denver and the Rockies in the background, It’s absolutely stunning.
Have I told you how much I love living in Denver yet?
The Neighborhood
I want to mention that I found out about this trail when I was staying at the TownePlace Suites by Marriott Denver South/Lone Tree in Colorado. I had just moved to Denver and had to stay in an extended stay hotel for approximately 3 weeks. All I can say is that the hotel was always clean and taken care of and the hotel staff are some of the friendliest people I have come to know.

Here’s a dining tip for you after you visit the trail. There is a fabulous restaurant right by the hotel and also next to Cabelas that has incredible smoke smells, like something that is hard to describe. Almost every time I go for a hike at the Bluffs Trail, I leave with my mouth watering when I drive by Sierra.
I had lunch there once and the prices are very reasonable but be prepared to spend a little more at dinner. There are always a lot of people there and they all seem to be having a great time with incredible food. Sierra is located at 10680 Cabela Drive, Lone Tree, Colorado 80124.
Trail Recommendations
I love this trail/path as it is really easy to get to when you want some exercise and to get away from the crowds. I especially love coming up to the Bluffs Regional Park Trail at sunrise. It’s breathtaking to watch the sun rise in the eastern skies and watching the Rocky Mountains wake up.
I know this won’t be a “trail” to some of you, but it’s always nice to know some great places close by that you can escape to, when the mountains are to far away for the adventure you really want.
Check out the video of trail on My YouTube Channel.
Please leave a Comment Below or Email me if you have any questions or have another trail you would like to recommend.
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First, I’d like to say that you take some really stunning pictures, and I am very very pleased with how you have explained the trail with the aid of them. The trail doesn’t look so much of a hike actually but I think I would like to try it out myself though I don’t stay in Colorado. Maybe someday it’ll be like a picnic. Thanks for sharing this.
You’re right. It’s not a trail, even though it is called one. I see people riding bikes there, taking long walks, and some even having a picnic. On another similar trail close by, a couple had brought some bread, cheese and wine and were watching the sun set.
I love taking longer “real” hikes in the mountains but I can’t do it all of the time and then closer hikes or walks like this become my go-to for daily workouts or time to get away from work and enjoy some great views.
Hi! Thanks for sharing your experience on the trail! The pictures are awesome. I particularly love the picture with the sunset.
I also appreciate your recommendations. But I still have a question. In your review, you say its not really a hike, it’s more a great walk. I’d like to take my parents. They’re in there early sixties, healthy but not that fit. Do you think they’d enjoy the walk? Did you see other seniors walking the trail when you visited it? Thanks.
Hi Henry,
Absolutely. I have seen a lot of people of all ages and families walking that trail.
If you take your parents, make sure to take one of the other trailheads that have a wider, more gradual ascent to the top of the Bluffs.
I will add a picture of those locations in my review in a few minutes.
Hi there!
You’re post is visually stunning! I love the photos of the deer, even though they aren’t the best quality. I know sometimes the photos don’t turn out as well at night.
It was nice of you to add some information about the local business that some people might find helpful.
Great job!
Hi Kendra.
Thank you for your advice and comments. I am going to move the neighborhood information to the end, as you said, this is about the trail and not the food, unless you are really hungry right now.
Just love your pics – and yes – sometimes a photo says so much – the ones just on sunset and then the photos of deer – inspirational !
Another activity to add to the USA need to include list ! – Thank you!
Hi Sandra. Thank you for the nice comments.
I love hiking in Colorado but during the week, it’s hard to get to the mountains, so I like to try local trails that have some nice scenery and get away from the city life, as much as possible.
I would have to say that watching the sunrise from the Bluffs is probably my favorite thing to do, but I do have to wake up a little earlier then normal.
This was perfect for an early evening stroll after work! We went late August, started around 7 and ended around 8. Witnessed a beautiful sunset, got about 2 miles of walking in, with minimal elevation gain. Incredibly easy to get to after work if you live south or in the lone tree area! One weird thing though, on one of the offshoot trails towards the south, there is this fenced-in area that says “working ranch – keep out” or something like that. Inside, there is a fenced enclosure with an Ostrich! The poor guy just kept running back and forth, back and forth. He’s just up there all by himself, on the top of the bluff, with only a little lean to to hide from the elements. Please, do you know anything about this bird???
That’s interesting about the Ostrich. I have seen some ranch buildings there but have not seen any livestock. I have seen several mule deer and one innocent looking rattlesnake plus a thousand rabbits…slight exaggeration.
I will keep a look out for the Ostrich but I’m not sure who to contact if I see it.
Thank you for your comments and experience on the trail.
Rick, that is an great site about the trails around Denver – very clear – descriptive for anyone interested in outdoors and the level of difficulty in hikes etc.
Very realistic and the photos are inspiring and wonderful too – The Rockies are always a great call-card.
I liked that it was very easy to understand the actual hike according to the maps – as I haven’t been there, it makes it far more interesting to have an idea of the areas included for reference – excellent.
Thanks – Sandy 🙂
Thank you Sandy. I always try to write the review as I experience the trail and pass as much information on as possible, without putting you to sleep.
WOW!!! excellent article on Hiking Trails in Colorado,I salute your writing prowess and the impact you are making to open our eyes to some vital places to pay a visit or do our picnic and other enjoyable activities,the wonderful atmosphere is awesome and very attractive enough,cool,calm and very charming,I personally I love retreat or picnic,visiting new places for great relaxation and adventure,I think your post has done a great job,an eye opener to me,thanks for sharing this exciting and helpful write-up.
You are very welcome. Many of us just don’t get out to many incredible places right in our back yard.
One of my goals is to visit several trails each week and tell people about them. It’s also great for me to get out and exercise and I am in awe so often to the beauty here in Colorado.