ZOLEO Weather Forecast

How do you get a ZOLEO Weather Forecast and what information does it give you?


ZOLEO Weather Forecast Features

  • Forecasts Provided by AerisWeather
  • Request Weather Forecasts Within 100 Meters of Your Location
  • Forecast Data from National Weather Service, Environment Canada, the UK Meta Office, and More.
  • Current Weather Conditions
  • Daily and Hourly Weather Forecasts for the Next Five Days

ZOLEO Forecast Test

Check out what the weather actually looks like in one of my recent weather forecast tests.

ZOLEO Weather Forecast Test


Final Thoughts

It’s always reassuring to have an idea of what the weather will be doing when you’re on an outdoor adventure. You may not have all the weather information you would love to have or the detail, but you will have some accurate data to help you be safer outdoors.

Check out the ZOLEO Weather Forecast Field Test YouTube video below for more information.

ZOLEO Satellite Communicator – Two-Way Global SMS Text Messenger & Email, Emergency SOS Alerting, Check-in & GPS Location – Android iOS Smartphone Accessory
  • Global satellite messaging: Stay connected beyond cell coverage, use ZOLEO with your smartphone to transmit text messages and e-mails over the Iridium satellite network, cellular or Wi-Fi using the lowest-cost network available (service plan required)
  • Emergency SOS: Send an SOS alert with your GPS location to 24/7 emergency monitoring center if something goes wrong, or access Medical Assist for non-emergency help
  • Dedicated SMS number: An assigned ZOLEO SMS number and email enables contacts to reach out directly when you're off the grid
  • Check-in: Send unlimited check-ins via the ZOLEO device or app, included in your plan
  • Location sharing: Include GPS coordinates in a message or check-in, or share waypoints at regular intervals (optional add-on)
  • Rugged with long battery life: IP68-rated for superior durability; over 200 hours of battery life

This product was presentation was made with AAWP plugin.

Garmin inReach® Messenger Handheld Satellite Communicator, Global Two-Way Messaging
  • Small, rugged, lightweight satellite communicator enables two-way text messaging even in areas with no cell coverage (Active satellite subscription required. Some jurisdictions regulate or prohibit the use of satellite communication devices)
  • Send two-way messages globally; easily text back and forth directly with friends via the Garmin Messenger app, even when you’re out of cellular coverage. (Active satellite subscription required. Some jurisdictions regulate or prohibit the use of satellite communication devices.)
  • Group messaging via the Garmin Messenger smartphone app lets you share your adventures with multiple contacts simultaneously — and have group text chats with friends and family
  • Check in with contacts directly by using preset messages that do not count toward your allotted text messages (Active satellite subscription required. Some jurisdictions regulate or prohibit the use of satellite communication devices)
  • Share your GPS location (Active satellite subscription required. Some jurisdictions regulate or prohibit the use of satellite communication devices)
  • Trigger an interactive SOS to the Garmin IERCC 24/7-staffed monitoring and coordination center for help in an emergency (Active satellite subscription required. Some jurisdictions regulate or prohibit the use of satellite communication devices)

This product was presentation was made with AAWP plugin.

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