Ocean Signal RescueME PLB1

Ocean Signal RescueMe PLB1

  • Waterproof to 15m
  • SOS for emergency services
  • Fast accurate positioning (within 5 nautical miles)
  • 7 year battery life
  • No subsription
  • High intensity (1 candela) strobe
  • Homing beacon to aid in location by rescue teams
  • Size = 3.0″ x 2.0″ x 1.3″
  • Weight = 4.1 oz.
  • Pro’s
    • Reasonable initial purchase price
    • No paid subscription
    • Proven global network
  • Con’s
    • No “non-emergency” messaging
    • Accuracy of 5 nautical miles may not be accurate enough in the mountains.

Wherever you are, at sea, on land, the rescueME PLB1 provides the reassurance that global emergency services can be alerted by the press of a button. The rescueMe PLB1 can be operated with a single hand in even the most challenging situations. A simple spring loaded flap covers the activation button preventing inadvertent use. rescueME PLB1 works with the only officially recognized worldwide dedicated search and rescue satellite network (operated by Cospas Sarsat). As this is funded by governments there are NO CHARGES to use this service. When activated the rescueME PLB1 transmits your position and your ID to a Rescue Coordination Center via satellite link. Rescue services nearest to your are promptly notified of your emergency and regularly advised of your current location to assist prompt rescue.

Ocean Signal rescueME PLB1 Personal Locator Beacon-Compact Emergency Distress Beacon with 7-Year Battery Life,24+Hours of Operation,and Lifejacket Attachment - Waterproof up to 49 feet-Made in The UK
  • Personal Locator Beacon: Keep safe on every trip with the rescueME PLB1, our most compact locator beacon yet.
  • One-Handed Operation: Highly intuitive, the PLB1 can be operated easily with one hand in even the most challenging situations, ensuring you can always activate the beacon when you need it.
  • Highly Compact: 30% smaller than our next smallest beacon, and weighing just 4 oz, the PLB1 takes minimal space in your backpack and attaches easily to your lifejacket with the unique mounting clip.
  • Durable Everywhere: Designed with durability in mind, the PLB1 is waterproof up to 49 feet, helping you stay safe in even the harshest of conditions.
  • Stay Seen: The PLB1 features a 66 channel GPS receiver and a 1 candela high-intensity strobe light, ensuring maximum geolocation coverage and visibility when you need it most.
  • Long-Lasting: Boasting more than 24 hours of operational life and a 7-year battery, this personal locator beacon is always ready to go and durable enough to ensure you’re found in challenging situations.

This product was presentation was made with AAWP plugin.

If you would like additional information or to see other models, go to my REVIEW PAGE, leave a COMMENT BELOW or send me an EMAIL.

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406MHz Satellite Transmitter

Frequency406.040MHzTolerance±1kHzOutput Power5watts (nominal)Stability2ppb/100msModulationPhase ±1.1radians (peak)Emission Designator16K0G1DEncodingBi-phase LData Rate400bpsDuration520ms

121.5MHz Homing Beacon

Frequency121.5MHzStability±50ppmOutput Power25-100mW PERPModulationSwept Tone AMEmission Designator3K20A3XModulation Depth85-100%Sweep Range400Hz – 1300Hz

Low Duty Cycle Strobe Light

Light TypeHigh intensity LED Output Power~1candela

GPS Receiver

Sensitivity Cold Start-148dBmSensitivity Re-acquisition-163dBmSatellites channels tracked60GPS AntennaMicrostrip patch


TypeLithium PrimaryChemistryManganese Dioxide (LiMnO2)Operational Life>24hours @ -20°C


Operating Temperature Range-20°C to +55°CStorage Temperature Range-30°C to +70°CWaterproof15metres at +20°CDrop1metre @ -30°C


Height77mm (3.0″)Width51mm (2.1″)Depth32.5mm (1.3″)Weight116g


Cospas-SarsatT.001 / T.007ETSIEN302 152RTCMSC11020FCCCFR47 part 95K

Ocean Signal RescueME PLB1


World Wide Coverage


2-Way Messaging




Tracking & Sharing


Initial Cost & Subscription Plan



  • SOS Distress Call
  • Compact & Lightweight
  • Long Battery Life
  • Global Satellite Network
  • No Subscription Plan


  • No Messaging
  • No Navigation
  • Accuracy

2 thoughts on “Ocean Signal RescueME PLB1”

  1. Did I just see 7year battery life ? That could be the simple most elongated battery life span I have ever come across in my life. That is simply great and knowing fully well that there’s no need to be scared of buying a new battery in the next 7years. That alone has saved quite a lot of money. I’m really getting surprised more and more everytime I read about the functioning of the satellite messengers here on this platform. Great one

    • You are correct on the battery life. The reason the battery lasts so long is that it uses a lithium primary battery plus the Ocean Signal RescueME does not use the battery until it is activated. Keep in mind that this is a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) and unlike the satellite messengers, this will only send a SOS distress call to an emergency center and is not capable of non-emergency messages or 2-way messages. You would need a satellite messenger for 2-way messages. The PLB is a great life-saving device that would only be used for that purpose.

      See my Emergency Radio Reviews for a complete list of the top PLBs and Satellite Messengers on the market.


      Thank you for your thoughts and please feel free to ask additional questions.



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